Maqola haqida umumiy ma'lumotlar
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Yuldasheva, N. E. (2022). ALBUCA BRACTEATA – HIND PIYOZINI YETISHTIRISH USULLARI VA SHIFOBAHSHLIK XUSUSIYATLARI. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 3(2), 376–384.
Yuldasheva, N. “ALBUCA BRACTEATA – HIND PIYOZINI YETISHTIRISH USULLARI VA SHIFOBAHSHLIK XUSUSIYATLARI.” Academic Research in Educational Sciences, vol. 2, no. 3, 2022, pp. 376–384,
Yuldasheva, E. 2022. ALBUCA BRACTEATA – HIND PIYOZINI YETISHTIRISH USULLARI VA SHIFOBAHSHLIK XUSUSIYATLARI. Academic Research in Educational Sciences. 2(3), pp.376–384.