Maqola haqida umumiy ma'lumotlar
This article aims to reveal the essence of the novel "Paradise Seekers", which reflects the historical process of the 60s of the 20th century, the events of that time, and the psyche of the people, the masterpiece of the poet, writer and translator Shuhrat. In the article, it is shown through analysis and interpretation that the writer's literary-aesthetic views are expressed through the images of: the patriotic doctor, Uzbek child Abulbaraka, Zeytun, the intellectual Zeytun, and Zilal, a foreign citizen. Also, it is proved by quoting fragments of the work that the theme of national revival in foreign countries, striving for freedom against colonialism is reflected in the writer's novel.
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Soatova , N. I. (2022). THE AUTHOR'S LITERARY AND AESTHETIC VIEWS IN THE NOVEL "SEARCHERS OF PARADISE". Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 3(10), 55–66.
Soatova , Nodira . “THE AUTHOR'S LITERARY AND AESTHETIC VIEWS IN THE NOVEL "SEARCHERS OF PARADISE".” Academic Research in Educational Sciences, vol. 10, no. 3, 2022, pp. 55–66,
Soatova , I. 2022. THE AUTHOR'S LITERARY AND AESTHETIC VIEWS IN THE NOVEL "SEARCHERS OF PARADISE". Academic Research in Educational Sciences. 10(3), pp.55–66.