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This article demonstrates the use of communicative learning, namely linguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic and strategic competencies, which are the basis for the development of critical thinking skills. The purpose of the review article is to illustrate the effectiveness of using communicative competencies in teaching and developing critical thinking abilities.Communicative competencies based on the use of innovative pedagogical technologies play a crucial role in the modern process of teaching English.Moreover, communicative learning is an approach to language learning that emphasizes interaction as a means and as the ultimate goal of learning. Great changes are taking place in pedagogical science today. The traditional system of education does not meet the requirements of modern pedagogy, emphasizing the importance and necessity of the comprehensive development of each student in the learning process. Therefore, the principles of developmental learning are implemented through the use of modern pedagogical technologies in the higher education system, which ensure the comprehensive development of the student's personality and cognitive abilities.
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Petrosyan , N. V. (2022). COMMUNICATIVE LEARNING AS A BASIS FOR CRITICAL THINKING DEVELOPMENT. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 3(3), 96–104.
Petrosyan , Nelya . “COMMUNICATIVE LEARNING AS A BASIS FOR CRITICAL THINKING DEVELOPMENT.” Academic Research in Educational Sciences, vol. 3, no. 3, 2022, pp. 96–104,
Petrosyan , V. 2022. COMMUNICATIVE LEARNING AS A BASIS FOR CRITICAL THINKING DEVELOPMENT. Academic Research in Educational Sciences. 3(3), pp.96–104.