Maqola haqida umumiy ma'lumotlar
The article aims to examine important research on the impact of institutions on economic performance, specifically how they influence investment in physical and human capital. The goal is to create a clear and inclusive definition and classification of institutions, and also to build a conceptual model that explains how institutions and socioeconomic development interact with each other. Research has shown that organizations and systems played a key role in making technological advancements possible and bringing the world into the current economic system. Furthermore, scientific studies show that institutions have a strong influence on how well a country or region performs economically and socially in different parts of the world.
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Khatir, H. . (2023). INSTITUTIONS AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 4(9), 5–21.
Khatir, Hanifullah. “INSTITUTIONS AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE.” Academic Research in Educational Sciences, vol. 9, no. 4, 2023, pp. 5–21,
Khatir, . 2023. INSTITUTIONS AND ECONOMIC PERFORMANCE. Academic Research in Educational Sciences. 9(4), pp.5–21.