Maqola haqida umumiy ma'lumotlar
This article is devoted to a new type of parallel corpus, linguistic sources, as well as the problems of creating parallel corpora. Corpus linguistics is a branch of computational linguistics that develops general principles for the construction and operation of linguistic corpora. Corpora are divided into monolingual, bilingual, and multilingual categories. Multilingual corpora combine texts written independently in two or more languages in the same thematic area. If different languages coexist in the same area, the emergence of many parallel texts is inevitable. Only texts called "science languages" can provide a sufficient amount of textual material to obtain parallel corpora. For many language pairs, parallel scientific texts can only be obtained through a third language. None of the above text types can be a stable and universal source for a parallel corpus.
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Tangriyev , V. A. (2022). PROBLEMS IN CREATING PARALLEL CORPORA. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 3(3), 1003–1009.
Tangriyev , Valisher . “PROBLEMS IN CREATING PARALLEL CORPORA.” Academic Research in Educational Sciences, vol. 3, no. 3, 2022, pp. 1003–1009,
Tangriyev , A. 2022. PROBLEMS IN CREATING PARALLEL CORPORA. Academic Research in Educational Sciences. 3(3), pp.1003–1009.