Maqola haqida umumiy ma'lumotlar
Ushbu maqola 4 o‘lchamli nilpotent unar Leybnits algebralarining tasnifiga bag’ishlangan bo’lib, izomorfizm aniqligida 10 bitta parametrli va 12 ta parametrsiz algebralar olingan.
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Ergashov, N. I., & Mo‘minova, X. R. (2023). TO‘RT O‘LCHАMLI NILPOTENT UNAR LEYBNITS АLGEBRALARINING TASNIFI. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 4(2), 232–246.
Ergashov, Niyozxon, and Xursanoy Mo‘minova,. “TO‘RT O‘LCHАMLI NILPOTENT UNAR LEYBNITS АLGEBRALARINING TASNIFI.” Academic Research in Educational Sciences, vol. 2, no. 4, 2023, pp. 232–246,
Ergashov, I. and Mo‘minova, R. 2023. TO‘RT O‘LCHАMLI NILPOTENT UNAR LEYBNITS АLGEBRALARINING TASNIFI. Academic Research in Educational Sciences. 2(4), pp.232–246.