Maqola haqida umumiy ma'lumotlar
The article examines the peculiarities of adolescence, including its psychological and physiological characteristics, frequent and typical changes among adolescents, and the formation of qualitative neoplasms. Neoplasm is a generalised outcome of these changes, the complete mental development of the child during the corresponding time, which serves as the beginning point for the construction of the mental processes and personality of the next age. Everyone's adolescence is the most challenging and significant phase of their lives. This is the first phase of a person's personality development. Significant physical and psychological changes, a feeling of maturity, and a new degree of selfawareness define this time period.
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Kosimova, Shahrizoda, and Diana Abduramanova,. “A DESCRIPTION OF THE ADOLESCENT PERIOD AND ITS CHARACTERISTICS.” Academic Research in Educational Sciences, vol. 1, no. 4, 2023, pp. 356–359, https://doi.org/.
Kosimova, . and Abduramanova, V. 2023. A DESCRIPTION OF THE ADOLESCENT PERIOD AND ITS CHARACTERISTICS. Academic Research in Educational Sciences. 1(4), pp.356–359.