Maqola haqida umumiy ma'lumotlar
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Norboyeva, D. S., Yuldashov, O. X., & Isabekov, R. . (2024). SUV TANQISLIGI SHAROITIDA TRITIKALE NAV NAMUNALARINING AYRIM FIZIOLOGIK KO‘RSATKICHLARI. Academic Research in Educational Sciences, 5(5), 220–226.
Norboyeva, D. , et al. “SUV TANQISLIGI SHAROITIDA TRITIKALE NAV NAMUNALARINING AYRIM FIZIOLOGIK KO‘RSATKICHLARI.” Academic Research in Educational Sciences, vol. 5, no. 5, 2024, pp. 220–226,
Norboyeva, S., Yuldashov, X., and Isabekov, . 2024. SUV TANQISLIGI SHAROITIDA TRITIKALE NAV NAMUNALARINING AYRIM FIZIOLOGIK KO‘RSATKICHLARI. Academic Research in Educational Sciences. 5(5), pp.220–226.