Maqola haqida umumiy ma'lumotlar
In the article the objective is to study in depth the health, risk factors of workers of the Almalyk mining and Metallurgical Combine and to develop systematic comprehensive measures to improve them, to prevent risk factors. Materials and research methods include the metallurgical industry of Uzbekistan is strengthening its position from year to year. Because of the presence of a powerful mineral and raw material base and Mining Enterprises, our country occupies one of the leading positions in the production of black and non-ferrous metals in the Central Asian region. The Metallurgical Combine of Uzbekistan is one of the most advanced in the metallurgical industry of our country. In particular, about 40 thousand miners-metallurgists with representatives of more than 40 nationalities and nationalities work in this area at the almalyk mining and Metallurgical Combine (MMC), the flag bearer of non-ferrous metallurgy of Uzbekistan. Therefore, the study of the health of workers in the metallurgical industry is an urgent problem. To study the working conditions, lifestyle and state of health of workers working in the Almalyk KMK of the Republic of Uzbekistan, we used the multi-stage selection usili (cluster, serial selection). The study included materials on morbidity for 2017-2020.
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Abdurakhimov, Bobirjon, et al. “A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO MANAGING THE HEALTH AND RISK FACTORS OF THEIR WORKERS.” Academic Research in Educational Sciences, vol. 2, no. 4, 2023, pp. 209–213, https://doi.org/.
Abdurakhimov, A., Khaitov, B., Safarov, K., and Ulmasov, M. 2023. A SYSTEMATIC APPROACH TO MANAGING THE HEALTH AND RISK FACTORS OF THEIR WORKERS. Academic Research in Educational Sciences. 2(4), pp.209–213.